Maybe, i'm not bad animator but i'm bad on feet animations, can you learn me how to animate the feet?
i made a test, but feet animations not very very good, i need a pro from newgrounds, very good on madness skills and can animate madness.
please guys, help me, i think i'm not very bad animator but feet animations bad D: can you help me.
i made a art like crappy, my friend in them, i use photoshopen by JAFZ3D:
my tests need more speeds, like djjaner and dyera tests, and zemort and kenamii, and endik and madnesia19 too.
To animate the feet, you need a long time to start using them normally (I mean like any other animator), experience to be exact, it's just question of time and patience, don't give up trying, watch some walking tests and try copying them, one good example (for me) was the beggining of MadnessChristmasfication from Scratcherz, I want to copy that walking style.
maybe, but where the swf file from scratcherz movie!